Because you’re here on the Wine Sensitive site, it’s a good bet that you are somewhat familiar with diverse types of wines and the grapes that create them. Just for fun, let’s see how much you know.
- What’s the name of a wine that originates in Alsace and Eastern USA? It ranges from slightly to quite sweet and go well with chicken, pork and fish.
- Pinot noir
- Sauvignon blanc
- Riesling
- Merlot
Give up? The answer is C. Good job if you guessed correctly.
- From which country is Sauvignon Blanc most commonly imported?
- Greece
- New Zealand
- Canada
- Iceland
The answer is B. New Zealand is very fond of its Sauvignon Blanc although its origins are in the Loire valley of France.
- What is another name for Shiraz?
- Pinot noir
- Bordeaux
- Champagne
- Syrah
The answer is D. You’re doing great! One more question and you can begin thinking of yourself as a wine expert.
- Speaking of wine expert, what is the title of the person in a restaurant who is responsible for wine collection and selection?
- Sommelier
- Vignes
- Grain de raisin
- Monsieur
The answer is A. You’ll want to be careful about this because if you choose B, C or D, you will be calling this person a vineyard, grape or waiter.
That’s all for today. Enjoy your wine and if you’re a Wine Sensitive user, please continue to enjoy your red wine without an allergic reaction.